The versatility of a LBD in pictures
18.11.2011Kun yhdistät mekon balleriinoihin, saa asu heti arkisemman ilmeen. Lisää ylle neule ja takki ja olet valmis kaupungille.
Ja musta mekko on siitäkin loistava, että se on tarpeeksi neutraali vaatekappale yhdistääksesi sen kanssa hetken näyttävempiäkin trendejä. Minua on pikkuhiljaa alkanut viehättämään tämän hetken polka dot – trendi ja hankinkin jokunen kuukausi sitten pilkulliset sukkahousut. Pitkään mietin, minkä kanssa niitä voisin käyttää niiden kuitenkaan olematta liikaa ja tässä vastaus.
Toivottavasti saitte tästä jotain hyviä vinkkejä! Yhdellä vaatekappaleella kun tosiaan saa ihan huimasti aikaan! :)
Like I promised yesterday, here’s the post which showcases with pictures how easily you can alter a LBD for various different occasions.
For office, you can put a dress shirt underneath your LBD to make the ensemble look more professional. If your hem length doesn’t make it to your knee, a good way to “cheat your way out” of this is by adding black opaque stockings.
LBD is also a classic choice for cocktail-parties. Combine it with statement making jewellery, colourful accessories, a shawl to keep you warm and you are good to go! If your cocktail party is held during the winter, you can bring your black opaques tightgs to the resque again.
Finally, when adding flats with your LBD, it dresses down the outfit immediately. When using ballerinas with this dress, you are good to go out to town and comfortably strol your way down the streets for miles. Add a cardigan and a short coat to keep you warm.
Finally, a LBD is also great because of its neutral essence. It’s like a white (or in this case black;)) canvas, where you can easily add the fashion trends of that moment. I spiced up my classic look with the current polka dot – trend. Go and get inspired by everything that’s going on in the fashion magazines (and blogs;)) today!
Hopefully you got some good tips out of this small how to – guide. If you come up with some more great tips on how to wear a classic dress like this, leave your mark in this comment box! :)